
Well oops

I missed last weeks post, and this weeks, I feel so stupid, however I'm going to chalk that up to me just not having all that much to talk about. Just about the only thing that has happened since I post last was my cousin's wedding, and there was nothing to really talk about there, it was a wedding, it was small, the cheese plate was pretty good, I got rickroll'd, and I refused to dance, three reasons, No danceable Music (except Rick Astley, but no, just, no), Somepony wasn't there, I rarely dance at wedding anyways, I stick to the cheese platter. Simple enough? Good.

Anything else? Not really. Except that I may get on TF2 fairly soon here.

Next week or so:

Wednesday: School, midterm in Java class.
Thursday: Pumpkin Patch, please suggest carving ideas in the comments
Friday: School
Saturday: Ponies, re-watch (commentate? again, comment) "Luna Eclipsed" and "Feeling Pinkie Keen." Why? Cause I can.
Sunday: Phineas and Ferb personal mini-marathon
Monday: Slog back to school.


My first reaction images

I saw this in the most recent episode and thought "This must be" and so now it is.



Tin says it all:


[Self referential title goes here]

Ohai thar everypony. Happy birthday MLP:FiM!

Now news: Third week of classes started today, and I am glad I hae a working laptop, I forgot I had a Java Project due at the beginning of class, so I walk into my physics class and am reminded of this and I responded and I quote "Celestia Darnit!" fortunately I already sit in the back of the room, cause that's where the power plugs are, so I just plugged in my flash drive and took studious "notes" and turned out a program simpler than I normally do, yet that was perfectly functional, thank the Lord that I can type quickly.

I bought myself a drawing tablet over the weekend, have yet to actually use it, though i think that it may help my digital art overall, not much mind you I suck so bad, hopefully it'll help some, now that I don't have to use a trackpad, maybe I'll post some next week. now Have a review:

Review: "Of Mares and Magic"
by: GanonFLCL
read here: http://goo.gl/Pbcq5
Of mares and Magic is a story about how Trixie, mad at being upstaged by Twilight Sparkle decides to settle it once and for all, by challenging the princess' protege to a magic duel, placing her title of "Great and Powerful' on the line. Things go well for the first few events, then Trixie's horn gets messed up somehow (I haven't read the thing in a month, I may have an insanely good memory, but it's not always that good) and she is unable to compete for a few days due to having a torn ley line. About this time David reveals his feeling foe Aud...wait, gotta stop reading myself into these things. Eh, Twilight reveals her feeling for Trixie, which Trixie does not return. After a tie, a year-long wait. Twilight duels some 70 other unicorns for the title due to the way that the rules are. The final event is her and a mute pony called Enigma, who has placed second in every event, and not that far behind Twilight. Enigma is Trixie...and I ain't spoiling the ending!

Score 8.5/10 (5 star)

Final thoughts: The author really put lot of time and effort into this fic, poring small little details here and there. He takes you from laughing to nearing manly tears in just a few seconds. Great story, would reccomend

Next week:
Tuesday: Meet with Session, eh, I mean Council at church for the interview to become a member
Wednesday: Write code
Thursday: Maybe go up to Seattle, take ponies
Friday: Wedding I am going to
Saturday: PONIES
Sunday: PnF
Monday: Review something that isn't shipfic


just this screencap, Seth, Y U HATE ME?


Scheduled post FTW

AAQAh, great to be back to school and back to a relatively normal schedule. So what has happened?

Welp, I am now legally an adult, my birthday was awesome, got monies to be spent on items in the following priority:
1. Bicycle Gear (Hey I can't survive if I can't get to class, there are somethings that supersede the next item)
2. Ponies, nuf said, I actually got a $20 bill from a friend whom I converted, said in the card "Wanted to get you something MLP-ish" but he lives in the middle of the city, so no target and no Wal-Mart, so yeah, ponies
3. the ATSD video Game, its still $35, that's most of my budget right there...

I am actually glad I scheduled this to be my first post back on schedule, the tip of my power cord broke off last Monday, so I was computerless till Friday. But now I have it.

I'm indefinitely postponing my whistle dubbing as I have a couple projects I'm working on, first is Pony Punnet Squares with BlankFlankBrony. The other is the Brony sing-a-long of Fluttershy's

Currently working on a Java program to play a game of tic-tac-toe time for Awesome!

next week:
Tuesday: Convince physics teacher we need to do presentations in class of our own choosing
Wednesday: Wow Java Class with working Tic-Tac-Toe Game, when the assignment was to just make a board
Thursday: Start Collab in my afternoon off, buy ponies
Friday: Explain the API to Java class
Saturday: Phineas and Ferb day, work on collab
Sunday: Whatever the hay I want

Note every morning I am gonna be playing Goldeneye 007 from about 8:30-9:30 username Bpendragon, I'll post my Friend code here later

See everypony in a week